Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Recycling Actors

Operation Sex and the City is temporarily on hold as awaiting for Car to bring me season 5&6. Meanwhile - have busied myself with CSI. It's shocking how many desperate housewifes actors I have seen so far!
Paul Young (Mark Moses) in Episode 1.10
Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong) in Episode 2.3
Bree Van de Kamp (Marcia Cross)in Episode 2.11

A successful actor/actress is versatile and able to play a spectrum of personalties. Apart from a very talented few, the majority of actors/actresses, contrained by their true self and moral grounds, may only be able to shift and stretch their personalities to suit a few roles. This is quite evident in CSI, as Mark took on the role of a man who secretly murdered his wife (deja-vu), Brenda as a psychiatrist (think soothing voice) and Marcia as leisurely shot her husband with a gun!

Sloane also featured in Sex and the City Episode 4.17 as Carrie's boss in Vogue! I know it has nothing to do with Alias...but every 10 seconds I was just waiting for him to throw the vogue magazine out of the window and yell RAMBALDI ROCKS!!!


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Playing Poker

不論好壞 都要把它打到淋漓盡致
人生亦然 重要的不是發生了什麼事
假如我們轉身面向陽光 就不可能陷身在陰影裡

When one receives a hand at poker, a good player will be able to extend and exploit the opportunities to the best of its ability.

Why should life be different? What is more important than happenings in life is the method and attitude we treat the events that we encounter.

If we learn to face the sun, it will be impossible to land ourselves in the shadow of darkness.


Handedness in Instruments

Was having dinner with a friend who's left-handed today. Even though I write and eat predominantely with my left hand, I play racket sports with my right.

The conversation proceeded to playing musical instruments and she has highlighted how being a lefty has made it more difficult for her to play the piano - since her left hand is stronger, the base notes naturally sing out more than the right.

So, does that make piano an instrument designed more for right handed players?

I have always thought about playing musical instrument as a co-ordination exercise, but today it seems quite subtle that certain instruments are designed for right-handed player and some for left-handed players. Violin for instance is pretty much a left-hand focused instrument.


Friday, July 21, 2006


生活的空間 須藉清理挪移而留出
心靈的空間 則經思考開悟而擴展

By tidying and shifting, one created living space.
By contemplating and understanding, one subsequently created mental space and capacity.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Stonehenge & Bath - A Day at Leisure

Today is a gift - that's why it's called the PRESENT ^_^


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In control of one's time

Yesterday I heard a great news - One of my very good friend is getting married!! It is such a wonderful piece of news and I cannot believe she didn't tell me immediately!

The conversation flowed naturally on to when the wonderful date would be...but it turned out to be 3rd week of October - Just when I am scheduled to be training with Schroders!! T_T As irrational as I am, maybe I should not contemplate ditching my new job in the first week to attend the wedding...

It is very unfortunate when extra special occasions that deserves a proper celebration gets misplaced in one's life for reasons of work. I have always been a firm believer that although work itself can be a stimulus to life, I would prefer to perceive it as complimentary to one's happiness. In these moments of conflict I sincerely hope that one day I will have the liberty or courage to make time for the ones I love - otherwise it would just be a sad living wouldn't it??


I want to take this opportunity to say sorry to my bestfriend Tae - who has always been there for me: my graduation, my birthdays etc...
ps. she's not the one getting married!!! =p


Monday, July 03, 2006


Went to wimbledon this weekend with Dorothy. Having had worked and slept a little in the week I had decided to opt of the easy option of taxi. It ended up being more stressful than necessary. Instead of arriving at Wimbledon the taxi company had logged me as going ot WEMBLY PARK. WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE AT WEMBLY PARK AT 630AM??!! Yes, so I was naturally late and Dorothy ended up queueing by herself. Given there were two massive queues I spent the next 45 minutes on the phone trying to locate her in the queue!!

It was all worth it! We saw Venus and Hewitt and some new comings play!! It was all very exciting! We only managed to get the ground ticket, and they had closed the standing queue for court 2 since people were not moving. We therefore did a cunning plan of going to the back of court 3 and peered over!! From where we were seated, we could watch court 2 matches behind us, court 3,4,5,6,7,8 matches infront of us, centre court score on our left, and on top of all that, the guy next to us had a portable tv and was watching the england football!! Multitasking and was kept busy for the rest of the day!
