Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

How cute are they?!



黃山歸來不看山 九寨歸來不看水

傳說很久以前 標悍的男神達戈 用風雲摩成一面寶鏡 送給心愛的女神色嫫 不料魔鬼插足 色嫫不甚打破寶鏡 碎片散落到川西北的崇山峻嶙之中 變成一百一十四個晶盈的海子 行成了夢如詩的九寨溝

勤勞的藏族人民在這裡辛勤工作 飄動的經幡 古老的水磨訪 純白的牦牛 一切溶化在奇山異水 藍天白雲之間

中國人的富裕懸殊驚人 看到每天為了幾十塊人民幣而拼命十幾小時的當地人們 想想與在國外遇到的中國朋友 兩極的生活 實在難以相比
但是在他們的辛勤當中 能感到這簡單化的生活 充滿著令人羨慕的活著的充實感

繞了一圈四川 交了一群好友
跟團旅行有好有壞 不必擔心行程 但同時也失去了自由感
參觀與買土產的比率常常以2:1現身 在與走山路的相伴隨下 想著 時間都到哪兒去了?
飯店等級好 天天吃大餐 - 四川麻辣鍋 藥膳 - 但幾乎是餐餐辣椒餐餐辣 重口味的中國料理還是吃不慣

與爸爸出去玩真開心 但又要回英國上班了 真討厭
下次要進軍成都去看熊貓們 且與媽媽一起上峨嵋看樂佛 ^_^


Monday, September 11, 2006


Shun has come and gone T_T Time flies when you are enjoying yourself ^_^ I now have a IXUS 70 and am snapping photos as i go :D:D:D

Taipei 101 and its observatory was definitely an experience. If one goes to the 91st floor observatory one is admist the clouds and all one can see is white mist flowing across one's chest - such a weird feeling...

I have almost forgotten the 'taking law as reference only' attitude. Doing massive U turns on the high street with flooding mopeds; driving from the inner to outer side crossing 5 lanes under 150m; putting the foot pedal down when the traffic light turns red.

Given my experiences with UK medical services I have been doing most of my health checks here. I have managed to go to the optician, dentist, podiatrics, ear, nose, throat hospital all in one day :D It was really weird having your ear cleaned using one of those micro hoover - you can even see how it's been done on screen.

On a gross but hopeful note - I managed to pull out the root of my corn, which closely resembled a magot. It essentially acted as a plug and its removal initiaed a flood of puss - since then it has gone down a lot - So it should be getting better in the month to come.

The people that are against the president has been sitting infront of the president's palace for 60 hours now. That's all there is on the news lately. From my perspective I think neither party is right - just different shades of grey. But what's so stupid is the green (pro china) party who initiated the sitting actually called taiwan a 'country' and then later had to broadcast and say any 'mishearing' is due to the electronic interference of the rain - talking about trying to dig yourself out of a hole man..=_=;;

I always think riots are the most impractical form of objection - the use of sheer force coupled with brainless actions. And in a way it is not like China cares - their newspaper recently mistaken a guy as the vice president of Taiwan, and the president's mum as his wife. The vice president is a woman and the president's wife is disabled - and they cannot even distingush a 70 year old woman not sitting in a wheel chair with a 50 year old one that is sitting in one - really shows how much they care right??


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New hairdo :D

Wondered around the streets of Taiwan - the hairdresser is so hard to find - since when is 286th street to be found adjacent to 316th street and continuous of 151st street?! Makes absolutely no sense...

Well, I'm glad I found the place in the end ^_^v and a simple haircut turned into a wash, perm, treatment and cut! haha
