Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Road Trip!

It was so fun~~and a lot of thanks towards Rach the accomodation provider and Car for driving us wherever we want to go ^o^ It was great getting out of london and just temporarily forget one's worries~

Leeds-Corn Exchange: It's quite an interesting student building, selling an assortement of weird and wonderful arty crafts. Cute knitted hats, coins with areas sawed out inside as necklaces, scrabble bracelets, innovatie clocks. You name it.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park: It's an interesting place. And I saw a really cute black labrador puppy being tied to the fence at the entrance (highlight of the day). Got a bit of artistic insanity driven into us by the end. The pictures that were taken later became much more expressive and somewhat psychodelic. Haha, it's not THAT bad really :p

Lake District: It's so pretty~~and we also managed to visit the little town of Keswick. There lies a motor museum where all the famous vehicles rest (Mr Bean's mini, Chitty bang bang, Batmobile etc). If we had time i would like to look at the pencil museum, wonder what that's about...



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