Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Cadbury's World

My blog is turning more into a succession of pictures. But a picture equals a thousand words and also it's more practical for my 'readers' from Japan and Taiwan.

After having another unsuccessful travel journey (as always -_-;;) we arrived at Cadbury's World. The smell of strong choco cannot be more welcome out of factory exhaust pipes!! I think i may have put on a few pounds just standing stationary behind a pipe inhaling it's fumes! (somebody tell me, is there enery in chocolate flavoured air??!?)

So the two big kids wei and annie really enjoyed their day out~~tasting, seeing, touching chocolate for an entire afternoon. I've actually learnt some random facts too, do you know it is the Mayans who first started using chocolate?? or that the Cadbury brothers initially sold tea instead of chocolate??

wei: queen of choco ^_^ apparently she can finish this whole bar in one day...respect.

Cadbury's Bunny: Happy Easter Everyone~~

soooo much free chocolate on the return journey ^_^v~~



  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger Shunsaku Horiuchi said…

    So your blog has indeed revived! cool.

    Speaking of chocolate, have you seen a cacao plant? cacao beans? how they let them ferment under the scorching sun? if not then go to Brussels and visit their chocolate museum :)

  • At 10:21 PM, Blogger Annie said…

    yep i saw the plant in a video. Apparently there are as many as 40 caocao pods in a caocao bean. What i don't understand however is why they call the process fermentation when oxygen is involved...


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