Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Butterfly House

Such a busy weekend!
First of all, in denial of one's age, we decided to visit the Butterfly House outside the Natural History Museum. Built for age 3+, one must first walk through this giant tent made in the shape of a caterpillar into an artificial maze made out of posters. Reading fun facts on butterflies (catipillars have 4000 muscles comopared to human of 629) we collected stamps along our way until the entrace of this greenhouse.
Having marched into this not-so-large green house it was a truely pleasant suprise to see so many different types of tropical butterflies flying around. There were giant moths the size of my palm! Got very snappy happy taking pictures of the butterflies, and nearly beaten up this foreign kid who was trying to kick and stamp the butterflies on the ground. Talking about ill education of children. I would so have had a word with the parents if only they could understand English and what I was muttering.
Being London Architectural Month we quickly went to the V&A and saw Zara Hadid's chandelier, the beautiful herbiscus in full bloom and was unfortunately short of time to see the China Deisgn Now exhibition.
So want to be a designer!!



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