Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


There is a difference between taking it easy in order to look after oneself and being lazy.

I use to have a very busy life. But people came along and told me it isn't good to always push oneself to one's limit - one will eventually wear out. So I took it easy. Coming home and giving myself room to breathe and time to enjoy life.

Recently, however, it clicked. I am not taking it easy, I am now being LAZY. This laziness has ultimately caused the subsequent ill health. I was ill for a whole week, and never in my lifetime have I been ill for that long. I went skiing with a flu and walked across half of Snowdonia with a fever, and now I have a petty cough which I cannot even deal with in the optimum weather of the British Summer.

This is serious concern. With alarm bells ringing in my head I must regain my fitness!! I am getting to that age where I actually have to worry about my health...such is the cruelty of time.



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