Annie's Travel Guide

Life is hard...One should work hard and play harder.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Kamakura & Yokohama

mm, have to be brief...cos the wireless internet connection is suprisingly unreliable.
Went to Kamakura and Yokohama today, and i'm beginning to talk rubbishy Japanese :D:D:D haha can't believe i'm happy about it. At the Ramen museum which serves various dishes we were forced to use 1000yen notes which i do not have, so i went up to one of the shops in the museum and asked for change. But instead saying i have a large note and thus needs change i said i had a large STOMACH and thus neede change. Oh well ^^;; It KINDA makes sense doesn't it?!
On the way back we had a minor accident with the car (see what i mean about being cursed on travel) and it's made me realise how properly the japanese follow rules! The subway is for one: the gates are usually open and people still pay the tool as if there was an invisible eye watching over them. And as for today, the car has merely TOUCHED the car infront, leaving not a single scratch on it, and yet we were forced to call in the police, write a post mortem, inform the insurance company: a step by step protocol which took nearly an hour, of which if i was in taiwan would have just been dismissed with a casual 'sorry'. I guess there are pros and cons to such diligence. Better stop writing just incase the internet crashes again.


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